Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Sigh.  The caption beneath the first picture in my Christmas 2011 post was supposed to read "December 2010" NOT "December 2012."  I don't have a magic camera that will take pictures of the future.  Too bad, no?

Christmas 2011

Well, our second winter in Wisconsin is underway.  It certainly bears no resemblance whatsoever to last winter!  Where we had lots of pretty, clean, powdery snow last year at this time:
December of 2012, looking from the barn to the house
This year we have had very little snow and many warm-ish (mid-30s, quite balmy for our neck of the woods) days so we've ended up with the sort of mess we usually have in late February/early March--that nasty, half-melted, half-frozen stuff that is hard to live with:
Fortunately, we got an inch of new snow the day before Christmas Eve, so everything looked properly festive.  We did just a little bit of decorating (we STILL have boxes to unpack!) and had a quiet, but really nice, Christmas with Janette.

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Everyone enjoyed themselves, and Santa Claus didn't forget anyone
Hadjo got 2 new babies and a giant cow bone from Santa Dog
Bones appropriates one of my gifts as her own.
Now that the holiday is done with, we will move ahead with our plans for the winter, which involve many days of weaving, sewing and interior home improvement.  Winter will pass just as quickly as the rest of the year has, and in no time at all it will be time to start planting and mending fences again.  2012 will be another year marked by a lot of hysteria over dire predictions of The End Of Life As We Know It--I suspect the Last Day "predicted" by the Mayans will be just about as shocking and eventful as 1/1/2000 was.  Looming world destruction or not, we will continue plodding along at our snail's pace, slowly improving our little farm and enjoying the process.  I hope the coming year will find my little group of readers well and happy, and we both wish you all the best.  Happy New Year!!