Here's what the thermometer showed about an hour after sunrise yesterday morning. Before the sun woke up, when I went out to give the animals their early morning hay, it was actually 20 below! Everyone must have spent the evening in the barn, though, and generated enough heat to raise the temp in there to 0, which actually felt warm. Everything is relative, no?
The cold temps and recent snowfall brought out the birds in droves. There has been a constant stream of chickadees and goldfinches (who would have thought any bird would overwinter
here of all places?!) to and from the feeders, providing lots of entertainment for the cats:
Bones waits patiently, unseen. |
Even Sasha interrupted her usual marathon nap to go birding |
I spent the afternoon yesterday trying out the new snow blower. I successfully cleared the drive and a few paths here and there, but it was really tiring! Had to do it in two attempts. Later last night, I was feeding the barn people and got "clipped" by a sheep. For those of you who don't follow football, "clipping" is an illegal method of tackling a runner by hurling your body into the runner's knee from the side. It's illegal in football because it can cause career-ending injury. Sheep don't follow the NFL rulebook, though, and I ended up flat on my back in the middle of the barn, with the feed pans next to me, oddly intact. I was afraid for a minute that I would be trampled in the usual rush to get to the grain, but everyone just stood there, frozen, and waited for me to get back up again. Today the knee is swollen and sore, but not too much so. I must have miraculously avoided the type of injury that requires surgery--not my usual kind of luck!
An interesting start to the new year.