Well, for heaven's sake--all winter we've only had a few inches of snow fall at one time, and then on February 28th we get buried! It started snowing at around 5:00 in the evening and was still coming down heavily this morning, as you can tell by the video below, which I took at about 6:30 a.m. (At least I hope you can tell--this is the first time I've tried to add a video to one of my blogs.)
I shoveled (one-handed!) a narrow path down the deck,
But didn't even attempt to go any further.
I shoveled (one-handed!) a narrow path down the deck,
But didn't even attempt to go any further.
Those little squares you see below, between the deck railing and the pine tree, are all that remains unburied of the 24" posts at the corners of the raised bed we built last summer, meaning we got about 20" of snow overnight!!
We were forewarned, though, and had gotten all of our doctor visits and errands done in advance. Thanks to our neighbors the Barn People are well-provisioned and I only have to wade down to the barn once a day to refill their water tank and stuff them with grain. They have plenty of hay, so I don't even really need to do the grain thing today, but you know me: since I can't bring them inside where it's warm, I'll spoil them in some other way...
That's all the work I'm doing today, though. It's a good day for a bowl of popcorn, a mug of hot chocolate and a good book: